Wednesday • January 29, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

What to Say When You Need to Have Difficult Conversations

Do you struggle with difficult conversations at work? Managers and all professionals at all levels struggle with having difficult conversations. When you finally psych yourself up to do it, you run into a roadblock: what should you say? In this timely webinar, Alisa Cohn, executive coach and author of From Startup to Grown-up, will help guide you through scripts to have difficult and delicate conversations. She'll also share formulas to help you approach these and the one key secret to ensure they go well.

About the author: Alisa Cohn is an Executive Coach who has worked with C-suite executives at prominent startups (such as Venmo, Etsy, and Draft Kings) and Fortune 500 companies (including Dell, Microsoft, Google, Pfizer, and The New York Times.)  She is the author of From Startup to Grown-Up and the creator and host of a podcast with the same name. She was named the Top Startup Coach in the World at the Thinkers50/Marshall Goldsmith Global Coaches Awards and the #1 Global Guru for Startups. Her articles have appeared in HBR, Forbes, and Inc, and she's been featured as an expert on BBC World News, in the NY Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

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Event Details

Event date June 13, 2023 9:00 am
Location Online

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