Saturday • March 8, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Help Support Local Chapters at 2022 KLTW

Sigma Chi Crest

One of the things we do as an Alumni Chapter is supporting our two local active chapters. The San Diego Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter has supported Peer Training and Province workshop this past year. 

With the increase of fuel and airline costs, the Alumni Chapter has been asked to help offset the travel cost to attend Krach Transformation Leadership Workshop (KTLW) in August.

In addition to the funds the alumni chapter is contributing, the UC-San Marcos chapter has created a KTLW Go-Fund-Me page for those who would like to help out a bit more. Please visit this link to learn more:

Sigs at SDSU supporting Huntsman Cancer Institute via 2020 Derby Days

Sigs at SDSU supporting Huntsman Cancer Institute

The Sigma Chi Chapter at San Diego State University (Delta Xi) needs your help!

This week, Delta Xi is hosting its first Derby Days since our rechartering. Derby Days is Sigma Chi’s annual fundraiser for the Huntsman Cancer Institute, with a specific focus on women’s cancer research. Five brothers have mothers, grandmothers, and aunts who have been affected by cancer, so gathering support and raising funds are very personal goals to us. 

The chapter set a fundraising goal of $35,000 this year and we need your help to achieve it. We already have support from our families, local businesses, SDSU sororities, but we need your support to make a final push!

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Significant Sig Pat Suggs Becomes Alumni Chapter President

Significant Sig Pat Suggs Becomes Alumni Chapter President

The San Diego Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter proudly announces that Patrick Suggs was affirmed as president by a vote of the alumni chapter executive committee.

Pat is a Project Manager with the Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (formerly SPAWAR), that provides the US Navy with research and development in cyber and space systems and capabilities across all warfighting domains.

Pat served in the Army as a leader and commander of troops from platoon to artillery battalion commander. In other assignments he was a liaison to German parachute battalion, served with the Army's Special Forces, Army RANGERS, and as an instructor with Navy Special Warfare. He flew with the Air Force on JSTARS and served in Cheyenne Mountain as an Army space officer.

Pat's been involved with Sigma Chi throughout his career.  First, holding office with the Tacoma Alumni chapter and as an Asst. Chapter Advisor to Colorado College and later UC-San Marcos.

Pat also serves as a Ritual advisor during the annual leadership training workshop. He is a  recent Significant Sig recipient.

Mu Beta Chapter Announces the Initiation of its Fall 2021 Class

Mu Beta Chapter Announces the Initiation of its Fall 2021 Class

Sigma Chi's Mu Beta Chapter at Cal. State, San Marcos is pleased to announce the initiation of 13 new brothers as part of its Fall 2021 Class. Mu Beta conducted its ritual ceremonies November 5-6. The Fall 2021 Class was guided by Magister Carter Wolgamott (Mu Beta '22). Mu Beta Consul Matt Rodriguez (Mu Beta '22) said, "We at Mu Beta were lucky enough to initiate a group of men that exemplify the values of Sigma Chi. Through their pledgeship we have seen immense growth and we are excited to see where they take our chapter." Wolgamott remarked, “It has truly been a pleasure to be a leader and guide for these young men. I am proud of all the hard work they have put in and the passion they have exhibited for the P4B program over the past 5 weeks. I can’t wait to see what amazing contributions they make to our chapter here at Mu Beta.”

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Delta Xi Chapter Announces the Initiation of its Fall 2021 Class

Delta Xi Chapter  Fall 2021 Class

Sigma Chi's Delta Xi Chapter at San Diego State University is pleased to announce the Initiation of 33 Brothers as part of its Fall 2021 Class. Delta Xi conducted its Ritual Ceremonies October 29-30th, 2021.

Delta Xi's newest brothers include 3 legacies, whose fathers and brothers were present to place the badge upon them. The Fall 2021 Class was guided by Magister Kieran Ragoowansi (Delta Xi '23).

Delta Xi Consul Joe Spinrad (Delta Xi '22) remarked, "I am incredibly proud of the professionalism, ambition, and strength of character our new pledge class has shown. They have proven themselves worthy as Sigs and I cannot wait to see what they bring to our Fraternity."

The Delta Xi Chapter would like to especially thank Jim Connell (Iota Alpha '96); Cody Hansten (Zeta Kappa '18); and David Hook (Zeta Kappa '17) for their assistance in conducting its ritual ceremonies. 

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Harvard University Repeals Discriminatory Policy - Message from Sigma Chi Grand Consul

In 2016, Harvard University announced a policy that would unfairly punish their students who chose to join off-campus, unrecognized, single-sex organizations. Sigma Chi's Kappa Eta chapter was chartered in 1992 and has never been affiliated with the university. As a result of the policy implementation, members of single-sex organizations like Sigma Chi who are enrolled at Harvard would be barred from holding leadership positions in recognized student organizations and on athletic teams, as well as from receiving college-administered fellowships. Simply put, those students would be unfairly and illegally punished because they chose to associate with other men of character who, like them, desired to become a better man through personal development in a peer-mentoring model centered on principles and values. The sanctioning policy implemented by Harvard was as unprecedented as it was unjust.

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Sigma Chi Welcomes 350,000th Initiate

Sigma Chi Welcomes 350,000th Initiate

SAN DIEGO (March 14, 2020) — The Sigma Chi International Fraternity reached another significant membership milestone on Saturday, March 14, surpassing the 350,000 mark of all-time initiates and members into the organization.

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Foundation Scholarship Application Available Online

Applications for the 2020 to 2021 Sigma Chi Foundation academic scholarship awards are now available.

For the first time, applications are available through Sigma Chi’s new awards and programs application portal, which can be accessed by clicking here. The submission deadline for scholarship awards is Monday, March 30 at 11:59 p.m. C.T. Scholarship winners will be notified in August.

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Federal Court Dismisses All Claims Against Yale Fraternities

The U. S. District Court in Connecticut dismissed with prejudice all claims against fraternities in a lawsuit filed by Engender and three individuals attacking single-sex membership policies at Yale University.

In its opinion, the court stated the plaintiffs’ claims lacked “a strong basis in law.” The decision follows the rejection of a similar Engender theory last year by the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.

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2-for-1 SDCCU Holiday Bowl tickets for San Diego Sigs!

College football fan - it's great to be a Sigma Chi in San Diego!

As a San Diego Sigma Chi we have a 2-for-1 offer to kick off your New Year's celebration watching thrilling college football at SDCCU Stadium.

Normally $45 each, you can purchase TWO View level end-zone tickets for $45. Everyone who buys from this link will sit with you at the game, so you can share this with your friends and family and pay separately, but still sit together!

Join us for high flying college football and the best NYE Party in town at the SDCCU Holiday Bowl!

Click this link to get your tickets:

Sigma Chi Stands Up To Harvard

Fraternity joins federal lawsuit protesting school’s single-sex organization policy

In a historic move, Sigma Chi International Fraternity, along with other Greek-letter organizations and plaintiffs, filed parallel lawsuits against Harvard University in federal and state courts in response to the school’s policy blacklisting students who choose to join single-sex organizations, regardless of whether those organizations are recognized by Harvard.

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UCSD Sigs Win Big at 2018 Greek Awards Night

Iota Chi, your local Sigma Chi chapter at UCSD, was recently recognized for another outstanding year at the UCSD 2017-2018 Greek Awards.

These awards are selected among all the Interfraternal, Panhellenic, and Multicultural Fraternities and Sororities on campus (of which there are 58 total).

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2017 Season’s greetings from Iota Chi!

Season’s greetings and best wishes from the young men of Iota Chi! As I am sure you are aware, the new tax plan starting in the new year makes it difficult for many people to get an itemized deduction for charitable contributions. With just a few days until the new year, there’s no better time to donate to Iota Chi’s Derby Days for Spring 2018!

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Job Posting - Resident expansion coordinator needed for new Sigma Chi colony at San Diego State University

The Sigma Chi International Fraternity is searching for applicants to fill a temporary, six-month resident expansion coordinator position working with its new colony at San Diego State University.

The resident expansion coordinator is a full-time temporary position, starting on Jan. 9, 2017, and ending on June 9, 2017, working within the undergraduate services department at Sigma Chi International Headquarters. The primary responsibility of the resident expansion coordinator is to provide direct administrative oversight by the Fraternity during the colonization process. This includes providing consistent and hands-on guidance to all members of the colony, acting as the Magister for the colony, providing Sigma Chi leadership programming and training, and acting as an adviser and liaison between colony members, the colony advisory board and the university's administration.

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