Saturday • March 8, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Alumni Chapter Dues Paying Members

Our mission as an alumni chapter is to recruit and engage alumni to celebrate value based brotherhood, assist undergraduate chapters and serve others by actively involving our alumni in the welfare of the larger community through philanthropic projects.

Special thanks to our current White Cross members

To recognize alumni brothers who financially contribute above and beyond their basic annual membership dues, the San Diego Alumni Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity announces the White Cross membership program. All alumni chapter members who contribute $100 or more will be recognized in our publications and at our events as brothers whose support is critical to our success.

Chris Ahearn Iota Alpha
Steven Batutis Eta Nu
Ray Bender Delta Omega
Anthony Bernal
William Black Delta Xi
William Boyer Alpha Upsilon
Devin Clark Delta Xi
Gary Correia Delta Xi
Michael Cote Alpha Chi Chapter
Andrew Crossan Iota Omicron
Shon Engle Delta Xi
Frank Feeney Delta Xi
Chris Franke Iota Chi
Paul Rene Gerst Alpha Phi/ Omega
Tyler Humphrey Alpha Beta
Frank Huttlinger Delta Xi
Stath Karras Beta Epsilson
Chris Kuhn Delta Xi
Jim Lawson Delta Xi
Jason Luján Theta Upsilon
Mark McCord Alpha Upsilon
Ryan McNaught Theta Rho
Robert Ottilie Alpha Omega
Mark Patzman Phi Phi 85/Beta Phi 86
Rob Reifschneider Delta Xi
Eric Reifschneider Delta Xi
Michael Rodrigues Zeta Kappa
Dan Shaver Epsilon Nu
Jim Sorenson Gamma Kappa
Pat Suggs Theta Epsilon
William Swann Tau Tau
Vincent Uhde Delta XI
David Youngblood Phi

Current Regular Members

Bill Altaffer Alpha Upsilon
Dale Barbat
Ray Bender Delta Omega
Joe Bertocchini Alpha Lambda
Eric Beste Phi Phi
Dan Bonfiglio Zeta Xi
John Colwell Epsilon Lambda
Doug Dittrich Delta Delta
Doug Dopp Zeta Omicron
William Gallaher Delta Xi
Tim Glassett Beta Epsilon
Ken Green Beta Eta
Timothy Hornyak Iota Chi
Bruce Kahn Eta Sigma
Michael Miklos Alpha Beta
Nick Nakamura Lambda Delta
Bryan Pate Alpha Omega
Rob Powell Alpha
Ron Powell Delta Xi
Richard Segal Theta Upsilon
Shaun Swartz Alpha Omega
James "Barry" Willis Gamma Delta
Scott Zardenetta Delta Xi