Sunday • March 9, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Special thanks to our 2012 White Cross members

Charles Abdelnour
Anthony Bernal
Gary Correia
Andrew Crossan
Bill Dopp
Mike German
Mark Hoekstra
Scott Holtgrieve
Bruce Hunt
John Irwin
James Kuhn
Donald Lang
Thomas Lang
Josef Moorehead
William Ontiveros
Jesse (JR) Robles
Jim Schmidt
Dan Shaver
Thomas Sharkey

To recognize alumni brothers who financially contribute above and beyond their basic annual membership dues, the San Diego Alumni Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity announces the White Cross membership program. All alumni chapter members who contribute $100 or more will be recognized in our publications and at our events as brothers whose support is critical to our success.

Thanks to the current 2012 Dues Paying Members

William Altaffer
Andreas Brown
Robert Cardenas
Gergory Clark
Gary Correia
Alexander Cremedian
Mike Daly
Matthew Dathe
John DeBlanc
Duane Deverill
Doug Dittrich
Bill Dopp
Antonio DuPont
Chris Franke
Michael German
Don Halte
George Harbaugh
Jerry Harris

William Higgins
John Irwin
Doug Johnson
Bradley Jones
Ronald Jones
Brian Kramer
Dennis Kuhn
Walter Lake
Scott Langston
Gabe LeMons
Bill Mayfield
Jack McFarland
James McInnis
Josef Moorehead
Nicholas Osgood
Leon Parma
John Peelle
Louis Perna
David Poole
Dave Powell
Ron Powell

Rob Reifschnieder
William Richardson
Jim Richardson
Tad Riley
Michael Rodriquez
John Ruzich
Jim Schmidt
Nate Smith
James Sorenson
Carl Tatus
Jerry Valencia
Richard Vance
Mark Verville
Rupert Walker
Clarence Watson
Phillip Whitacre
Jeff Weaver
Frederic Wilson
James Woodward
Ronald Zehr

Our mission as an alumni chapter is to recruit and engage alumni to celebrate value based brotherhood, assist undergraduate chapters and serve others by actively involving our alumni in the welfare of the larger community through philanthropic projects.

Per our chapter by-laws, the term of membership for all members begins on January 1 of said year and terminates on December 31.