Saturday • March 8, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Fall 2011 Undergraduate Chapter Updates

Delta Xi News...

Coming off a well-rounded and extremely successful spring semester the brothers of Delta Xi are looking forward to continue with this strong momentum into the fall semester

Iota Chi News...

This past spring and summer have been a great success as our chapter looks to place a new emphasis on improving our priceless, alumni relations.

Delta Xi News cont...

and solidify ourselves as the undisputed premiere fraternity on campus.

With over 1000 community service hours contributed this past spring, a rock solid risk management program, unmatched brotherhood and the election of a new executive team, the Delta Xi chapter has no plans of slowing down. We are already underway with our Fall recruitment campaign, and looking forward to our Derby Days Philanthropy this semester with a concert featuring artist Sam Adams to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network. With our contributions to the community around us, added emphasis on alumni networking, and continued domination of the social scene here at SDSU, each brother of the Delta Xi chapter is truly living out the “complete college experience”.

Iota Chi News cont...

Graduating senior Matthew Ruehle, 2011, planned a celebratory banquet to mark the 20th anniversary of the Iota Chi chapter. Brothers from the Alpha to Alpha Rho pledge classes traveled from all over the country to pay respect to an organization that played an undeniable role in shaping them as men. We have truly fulfilled our responsibility as leaders of our campus as we were fortunate enough to win sports banner while maintaining the highest grade point average in the Interfraternity Council.

After sending our new executive board to Balfour, they have returned more inspired than ever to shape the incoming fall pledge class. We are currently moving through I-week, providing the thirteen spring pledges an opportunity to look back upon their progress as improving men throughout pledge quarter before moving into initiation. All sixty-eight members, including the incoming Alpha Sigma spring pledge class, cannot wait for the upcoming year to elevate our pursuits, from Derby Days to recruitment, to new heights.

Austin Solomon 2014