Saturday • March 8, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Sigma Chi Expanding to California State University San Marcos

Sigma Chi needs local alumni to assist a starting a new colony in February 2013.

Sigma Chi has been invited to expand to California State University San Marcos in the spring of 2013.  The Fraternity is looking for alumni volunteers to assist its newest colonies with their development and growth. Serving as an advisor for Sigma Chi chapters and colonies is a rewarding experience and alumni mentorship and leadership will help pave the way for future success for the new colony at Cal. State-San Marcos.

If anyone would like to help out or if anyone knows of any undergraduate legacies attending Cal State San Marcos please reach out to the Fraternity.

For Cal. State-San Marcos, the Fraternity will begin recruitment events on Monday, Feb. 11, and end the formal recruitment period on Saturday, Feb 23. To learn more about Sigma Chi’s expansion efforts at Cal. State-San Marcos, please contact Expansion Coordinator Kyle Marscellas, CAL. STATE-IRVINE 2011, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 254, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..