Thursday • January 30, 2025
The World's Greatest Fraternity in America's Finest City
Established 1938

Help Put the Magazine Online

The Sigma Chi Historical Initiative Needs Your Help

Help to put past issues of The Magazine of Sigma Chi online

put magazine online


We need your help to make the entire run of past issues of The Magazine of Sigma Chi available to members via a searchable, online tool similar to a LexisNexis® database of printed materials.

After more than a year, a raw scan of all pages within 20th-century editions of The Magazine is complete. Now volunteers are needed to inspect a year's worth of Magazine scans, validate that all portions of the pages were scanned properly and completely, and to repair the scans when necessary. You will need to have Photoshop or similar photo software installed on your computer so that you may repair scans.

In addition, we are also looking for volunteers to help index issues of The Magazine. Indexers will be asked to: make a list of all article titles in an issue of the publication, noting the article's page length; summarize the article in one or two paragraphs; make additional lists for all mentions of events, brothers and images within an issue; and compare the printed Magazine text to an accompanying Optical Character Recognition (OCR) version of the text.

You are welcome to do both scan validation and indexing —in fact this is encouraged. To volunteer, or if you have additional questions, please contact Noah Phelps, Headquarters archivist, at (847) 869-3655 ext. 220 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please forward this to any Sigma Chi who is interested in the history of the Fraternity.